Sunday, April 30, 2017

Entry #10 10 Years Into The Future

For my final post I wanted to create a space where I can maybe talk to myself. However, the self that I will be conversing with is myself 10 years from now. This idea came to me from a project we have for my communications class. We have to talk about ourselves in the future tense and present what obstacles we had to overcome to get to where we where. I thought my blog would be a great opportunity to create a sort of time capsule for myself to check back on in 10 years. Feel free to leave a comment to your future self as well.
Hey Jose, hopefully you haven't forgotten about this blog. I have so many questions I would like to ask but I know it would be impossible for me to get an answer. All I can do is wish that you have accomplish everything you set out to. If not, what has prohibited you from doing so? Has there been major changes in your path that I should be expecting? Did you become a network engineer? If so, you should have bought your parents their own home by now and if not hopefully the saving I started helps out. Remember the most important part though; be happy. Nothing matters if you are not enjoying yourself. If there is anything that you are currently unhappy with then take steps to make a change. This is your younger self telling you not to get so focused on superficial things like money and to never forget about the truly important things like family and friends. If there are any broken bridges then work on mending them and never stop growing from your experiences. I have grown so much and learned so much so I wish that you too have that capability too. Lastly, what have you done to make the world a better place? If you cannot answer that, then please go out and do something I can look forward to. Thank you and I love you buddy. 

P.S. Hopefully you still have some sense of humor.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Entry #9 The Internet of Humanity

A concept I always found intriguing was the idea of Internet of Things. Our daily lives revolve around using the internet and getting everything connected to each other. This is why the path I chose to follow is computer networking; which revolves around getting all kinds of devices to talk to each other. This is not only an important part of society today but also something that will continue to be a part of our growing species. The growing knowledge and the potential humans can achieve with being able to access that knowledge will greatly benefit us all as a species.

Nonetheless, the internet of things is something that needs to evolve with humankind, and just like the idea of evolving the way we farm, we must proactively evolve how we use the internet. There needs to be a positive balance of some of the new practices as well as the old ways when adapting our use of technology. For example, people must not lose the ability to talk in person and be able have non-mediated relationships. We are constantly bombarded with information and people sometimes cannot get away from checking what came up online. If we are able to find a good balance between being both "online" and "offline" we can continue to grow.

There are many views concerning what technology does to people but I think that with the right research and self-control we can develop a powerful tool. After all, are we not creating a new path for people to connect to each other?

Entry #7 Get to Know GMOs

The video posted by the channel Kurzgesagt talks about the many aspects of GMOs. Although it mainly talks about GMOs in a positive light, it also takes into account all the opposing views. One of the more enlightening facts stated revolves around how using GMOs reduces the need for pesticides. I always thought that GMOs were just as dangerous as pesticides but with the information provided and controlled manipulation, science can provide people with a safe alternative to pesticides. It was nice to see that it also provided sources for us to look into their claims. Taking into account that humans have been cultivating farms and manipulating their seeds, it makes sense that using science to change the genes of seeds seems like a safer route than spraying them with chemicals. The video made many convincing points but I would still like to look into the opposing side a bit more.

It was also interesting to see how the video had a similar format to the one we learned for writing an essay. There was a clear introduction and it lead up to the thesis statement where it talked about the idea at hand, GMOs. It was appealing to see how the video seemed to follow the same rubric and even have a point of view that it wanted to persuade us about. The piece explains the adverse effects of GMOs and which parts are more fiction than fact.

In the end, it is up to us as a race and individuals to decide whether we want genetically modified organisms to be a part of the way we grow our food.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

(Extra Credit) Food Inc. - Incorporating The Right Food

There is a major difference between Fresh and Food Inc. Food Inc is much more serious and in your face while Fresh takes a hopefully approach. Both movies show a need for change, but Fresh does it in a hopeful tone telling the viewer that we can still make the change for the better, while Food Inc explains that we need to make the change if we want to avoid tremendous damage. The movie Fresh has a long build up, while Food Inc is quick to jump into the interviews. Food Inc focused heavy on how negatively this industrialization is affecting us. In comparison, Fresh emphasized how it could be better if we went organic. Additionally, the imagery in Food Inc was much more provocative and it was not afraid to show the darkest effects of the business.

For example, One of the more impacting images involved how Food Inc showed the human fatalities due to the food process we currently have in place. It presented the case of Barbara Kowalcyk who became a food safety advocate after losing her 2 and a half year old son. Her son died after two weeks from E coli after eating a bad hamburger. Her story was not only powerful but the details she gave on her son's passing were truly stirring. Barbara's case is just one of many people that are directly affected by our current system, and it is important that she was not afraid to speak up.

Food Inc used was not afraid to use fear as a way of presenting its information. The more disturbing fact is that none of the stories the documentary showed were untrue. People are dying, losing their farms, and humanity all because of the current system. If fresh was not able to show people the underlying problem, then Food Inc is sure to bring it to the surface.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Entry #5 Quality over Quantity?

Will Allen

"Profit Over People"- This is just one of the many great quotes that could be extirpated from the move Fresh. This documentary delves into the industrialization of the agriculture market and how we are affected by it. It was truly an eye-opening work. Contrast to many of the other movies that revolve around this subject, this movie takes a lighter but just as powerful approach. They have an extensive introduction that really drew me in with its showcase of how industrialization was harming the crops, animals, and people involved.

One of the parts that struck me the most was the story of  Will Allen, a farmer and owner of Growing Power. Growing Power revolves around healthy farming and creating a self sustaining farm. I found it quite interesting how even him, a man who had gone to college in business, thought it was more appropriate that we go against industrialization. He felt he could use what he learned in college and make a company that uses methods that were healthier for everyone involved in agriculture as well as the consumer.

Logically speaking, it also makes more sense that it would cost less to run a "multiculture" farm than a "monoculture" one. Diseases become less rampant and the ecology is able to take care of themselves. In turn, the people benefit greatly because the food does not have all of the diseases or the pharmaceuticals that may harm the people. It is worth paying a little extra for a better quality food but the point was also made that if more farms followed the self-sustaining method that food could become more accessible to everyone. Overall, I took the idea that quality is better in the long run because quantity will end up becoming more detrimental for everyone which is important to take into account if we look to help the earth we live in.

"Cheap food is an illusion. The real cost of the food is payed somewhere..."

Sunday, March 12, 2017

(Extra Credit) Human Trafficking

The concept we looked at in the second presentation was human trafficking. Our host, Detective Heidi Chance led us through the inner working of human trafficking. She told us the people who were most targeted and most vulnerable were younger girls who may have had a rough life growing up. Pimps, the people who take advantage of these girls, notice the attention these girls seek and take advantage of them with the use of monetary influence or even brute force. These pimps will take a girl (and in some cases guy) away from their family and accrue a dependence to control the person. The victim will have no other choice than to sell their bodies in order to appease the person causing them harm. The signs human trafficking included public violence between an older man and a younger woman but it was not limited to that. Key words, like pimp, botom, daddy are all indicators of "the life" that they are involved in.
Detective Heidi Chance

This presentation was definitely eye opening. It feels like this is something that is only seen in movies but as she explained, by giving examples from all around phoenix, this happens on a daily basis. The psychology that goes into this victim and criminal relationship was the most interesting aspect. The person that was causing them the most harm was also the person that they felt loved them the most; so much so that the victims would even go as far as protecting their abuser. Nonetheless, the criminal had leverage over the victim most of the time. 

If you are looking for a way to combat this problem, Phoenix Police is always looking for recruits, and they have phone numbers online for a more discrete way of aiding their cause. 

(Extra Credit) Civil Discourse

The Civil Discourse talk revolved around health care. There was a statement written on the board: Resolved that the U.S. Govt. should make health care a right and we were asked to take a stance.
The discussion was intense as we were asked to take a position where we strongly agreed, agreed, remained neutral, disagreed, or strongly disagreed. The crowd was split almost evenly on the subject so the proctor asked for volunteers to represent each group. A girl named Ashley, and four guys named Dylan, Marco, Joaquin, and Paul represented each group respectively. Ashley's group of people who strongly agree stated that it should be a right because of the people who really need it like children and the elderly. Dylan expressed that he agreed somewhat because there were people who could not afford to pay insurance for others but it should still be available to the majority. Marco who remained neutral made the most sense to me, as there were more factors to say that it should be a right for everyone. The people who disagreed and strongly disagreed, Joaquin and Paul focused on how it would be unfair for people who remain healthy and follow healthy lifestyles. Paul used the example of how it is unfair that he pay for somebody who chooses to smoke. Lastly they bring up the fact that it would raise taxes greatly. 

I would say that I lean more towards the neutral group as there are many factors to take into account. The raise in taxes does not bother me but it might bother others. I do not agree that I should pay for the medical expenses of somebody who chooses a more reckless style of life but I do not think they should not get medical attention. I propose that they have health screens before had to check everybody's health habits and determine a fair tax. 

It is fair to give everybody a fair chance for medicare but I remain neutral because everyone's case is different and needs to be taken on a person to person basis. If you too feel undecided I recommend checking out, renowned YouTuber, John Green's Video on the matter.