Sunday, March 12, 2017

(Extra Credit) Human Trafficking

The concept we looked at in the second presentation was human trafficking. Our host, Detective Heidi Chance led us through the inner working of human trafficking. She told us the people who were most targeted and most vulnerable were younger girls who may have had a rough life growing up. Pimps, the people who take advantage of these girls, notice the attention these girls seek and take advantage of them with the use of monetary influence or even brute force. These pimps will take a girl (and in some cases guy) away from their family and accrue a dependence to control the person. The victim will have no other choice than to sell their bodies in order to appease the person causing them harm. The signs human trafficking included public violence between an older man and a younger woman but it was not limited to that. Key words, like pimp, botom, daddy are all indicators of "the life" that they are involved in.
Detective Heidi Chance

This presentation was definitely eye opening. It feels like this is something that is only seen in movies but as she explained, by giving examples from all around phoenix, this happens on a daily basis. The psychology that goes into this victim and criminal relationship was the most interesting aspect. The person that was causing them the most harm was also the person that they felt loved them the most; so much so that the victims would even go as far as protecting their abuser. Nonetheless, the criminal had leverage over the victim most of the time. 

If you are looking for a way to combat this problem, Phoenix Police is always looking for recruits, and they have phone numbers online for a more discrete way of aiding their cause. 


  1. I also attended the presentation on Human Trafficking. I enjoyed reading your blog because it is interesting to hear about another persons experience and to see it from another point of view. I can relate to thinking human trafficking was something that only existed in movies, the speaker opened my eyes to the terrible reality of it too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and perspective, this was an insightful and well written entry.

  2. I'm happy to hear that you gained awareness and understanding by attending this speaker.
