Thursday, March 23, 2017

Entry #5 Quality over Quantity?

Will Allen

"Profit Over People"- This is just one of the many great quotes that could be extirpated from the move Fresh. This documentary delves into the industrialization of the agriculture market and how we are affected by it. It was truly an eye-opening work. Contrast to many of the other movies that revolve around this subject, this movie takes a lighter but just as powerful approach. They have an extensive introduction that really drew me in with its showcase of how industrialization was harming the crops, animals, and people involved.

One of the parts that struck me the most was the story of  Will Allen, a farmer and owner of Growing Power. Growing Power revolves around healthy farming and creating a self sustaining farm. I found it quite interesting how even him, a man who had gone to college in business, thought it was more appropriate that we go against industrialization. He felt he could use what he learned in college and make a company that uses methods that were healthier for everyone involved in agriculture as well as the consumer.

Logically speaking, it also makes more sense that it would cost less to run a "multiculture" farm than a "monoculture" one. Diseases become less rampant and the ecology is able to take care of themselves. In turn, the people benefit greatly because the food does not have all of the diseases or the pharmaceuticals that may harm the people. It is worth paying a little extra for a better quality food but the point was also made that if more farms followed the self-sustaining method that food could become more accessible to everyone. Overall, I took the idea that quality is better in the long run because quantity will end up becoming more detrimental for everyone which is important to take into account if we look to help the earth we live in.

"Cheap food is an illusion. The real cost of the food is payed somewhere..."


  1. great use of quotes and explaining the benefits of multicultural agriculture v. monoculture.

  2. Great job developing your blog thus far. I'm surprised that more people aren't reading and commenting on these posts.
