In a way, I feel that teens and preteens have always faced this idea of self-worth and staying relevant. There was always a need to be a part of the popular group or become the popular kid. The only difference between how it was before and how it is that now, is that it is now more open for anybody to see.
What resonates with me the most, is how this is still relevant even as an adult. Ira Glass speaks about how when his
tweets gets shared or added to favorites, he feels the same way the girls feel. It is interesting to see how even though we feel we grow and change we still do things similar to how when we were younger. This idea interested me because most people think that social media applies mainly to a younger generation when it encompasses anybody, even if you go out of your way to not comment.
(Ira Glass)
This podcast provides a good example of the mindset that goes through our younger generation. I believe that this culture has existed before but it only now so advertised because of social media. We are a social species and this is our new way of socializing whether it be an adult or teen. Our view of ourselves does seem to be warped but I do not think it is because of social media.
The way the girls seemed to portray themselves as products was a bit scary. I understand that the likes and shares may add to this feeling but I still think it goes deeper than just blaming social media. Social media gives people an outlet for the things we may think inside. The need to present oneself in the best way can be influenced by anything ranging from finding a job to a spouse, and social media acts as an outlet for people's inner feelings.
It was interesting to see how people were more open about their feelings. For example, the girls that would post comments about hating Jane was openly jealous enough to tell her that she hated her for being so pretty. This is not something that people would be so open about. Even though she was able to post this through social media, it was not social media that made her feel that way.
We are not losing ourselves to social media but instead being open in ways we may not mean to be.
Great post. You do an excellent job of establishing the context in this entry and making the information accessible to your readers.